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Accredited Investors Disclaimer

Accredited Investors Disclaimer


The information on this website and any associated documents do not represent the Registered Products legal documents required to be issued by law by PEGH.
Such documents such as an Info Memorandum (IM) should be read by prospective investors in its own entirety before deciding whether to participate. If after reading the IM you have questions, you should contact your financial, legal or other professional advisers.

While the documents may be lodged with any regulatory authorities, such lodging does not necessarily represent the merit of any proposals outlined in the documents.
The Company is not liable for any loss incurred from relying on this site on whatsoever information relating to the legal documents themselves.

Due to legal restrictions, access to our Registered Products documents may be restricted to persons accessing this website from within Malaysia or only for those investors accessing it from outside Malaysia. You should contact us for any clarifications regarding this matter or the legal jurisdictions of the documents.

The Registered Products documents do not constitute an offer or an invitation in any jurisdiction in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer or invitation. The distribution of the Registered Products documents outside Malaysia may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of the documents and you should seek advice on and observe any of these restrictions.

Applicants who are resident in countries other than Malaysia should consult their professional advisers as to whether any governmental or other consent is required or whether any other formalities need to be considered and followed.

The Registered Products documents may be within the meanings of section 230 of the Malaysian Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (“CMSA”) or within the meaning of any other legal jurisdictions of which the documents are restricted to.

You should carefully read all the express disclaimers on the documents themselves and consult your legal adviser if need to to understand their meanings within your own investment considerations.

Nothing contained on this website or in our Registered Products documents constitute financial, investment, legal, business, tax or other advice. In particular, the information on this website and in the Registered Products documents does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs.
In making an investment decision, you must rely on your own examination of the documents, including the merits and risks involved. You should consult your professional adviser for financial, legal, business or tax advice.

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